Yup that was the place. And we did get confusion once in a while as the old style stainless steel sign was preserved for a time. The shop still exists but has moved from the original bakery location.
At 09:52 PM 4/7/01 -0800, you wrote:
>Joseph Bender-Zanoni wrote:
>> At least 3 Teledyne Titans made it into the shop I managed in 1975 or so. I
>> think we also sold a blue painted one late in the game. Montclair Bikery,
>> Montclair NJ.
>Was the Montclair Bikery the place that had been a bakery with the
>lettering on the front of the building changed to read bikery with the
>substitution of one letter?
>I hope it is. I heard a story of an old lady making her way slowly to
>the back of the bike shop past rows of bikes and finally asking in a
>slightly puzzled tone, "No cakes today?"
>Chuck Schmidt
>South Pasadena, California
>http://www.velo-retro.com (reprints, T-shirts, Campagnolo T-line)