Wow! The Cirque (my first) was stupendous - so much to see/learn - I'm stoked to build my own frames - thanks B. Balis. Much praise/thanks should go to Dale Brown and the others who set this up and made it a success! THIS, like riding a bike, is one of the really great things about life. Enjoy!
In my stupidity and excited state (LOOK at all of those really great bikes!), I failed to ask Jeff (Charleston, SC) and the other Rivendell rider who were so gracious to share a portion of their table with me, for complete names and addresses and email addresses. Please let me know a way to contact y'all. I'll bet that we three Rivendell riders were the happiest riders there! Watch out world! this could be a radical east coast contingent of euphoric Rivendellbicyclists!
I'll be there next year.
Thank you,
Linwood Hines
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