Except the myth of those 1st gen Super Record derailleur prizes, Sterlings account isn't far off...I do think Sterling forgot to mention that he himself will be providing the prizes from his vast personal stash of goodies for this ride. I will provide a start and end point as well as food and drink before and after...even a birthday cake for old Tullio himself. E-Mail Sterling your wish list ASAP!! For those interested in attending please drop an e-mail for the address and directions. I also want to get a headcount for the refreshments.
Matthew G in Belmont Shore
> There will be a San Diego Joe Bell 5 Piers Ride on Sunday August , 26th
> Matt Gorski's place in Belmont Shore. We had so much fun in July, that I
> encouraged Matt to hold another ride as soon as possible. At the last ride
> Matt the "host extraordinar" gave everyone a vintage French bicycle part
> just for attending. I got a soubietz light set. Matt gave one of the guys
> Mercier frame set, and the first person back to Matt's place after the
> got a N.O.S. first generation Campagnolo Super Record derailleur. All
> and great food and drink to boot. Not to mention Matt's museum of vintage
> bicycles and rare old parts. Matt promises this ride will be even bigger
> and better than the last. This months prize list will include some really
> nice vintage English parts and possibly another one of those N.O.S. first
> generation Super Record derailleurs. By the way, who got the first one?
> I hope everyone from San Diego is able to make this ride, it promises to
> be a lot of fun.
> See you there! Sterling
> P.S. Brian and I need some help with the beach thong patrol!