Regarding the recent tubing discussion, I have lurked and learned.{} Here's what I have to add to the discussion:{} The "Dragonfly in Triangle" mark denotes tubes of "Tipo Liebellula"{} Tubi Conici per Cicli, Castello Mario e Figlio-Torino.{} Chrome Manganese or Chrome-mily tubes. This information{}taken from a photocopied page of an old German catalog provided by a listmember.{} Finally we have the{}Reynolds/Columbus debate with a bit af Vitus thrown in.{}{}How about French Durifort tubing? It seemed to be revered by old Argentine cyclists and builders but do not see much of it in the U.S.{} Any Durifort experience out there?{}{}{}{}{}
BTW I have a few strips of "use at your own risk" old varnish-type Vitus tubing decals.{} Contact me off-list if your restoration is needing one
Kevin, Portland, OR, Gosney{}