I'm having a Gianni Motta Personal 2001 model ( early 80's despite the name) restored. I've looked at the photos on the CR site and some Greg Fletcher generously shared of his Motta, but I don't see a Columbus decal or a tubing decal of any kind. Can someone who actually owns a Motta Personal tell me whether they had tubing decals, and if so what kind and where was it located?
Jerry Moos
Houston. TX
> I am looking for a post for an Alan aluminum frame (the glued and screwed
> frame) I was told that the post diameter was 25.0.......is that correct?
> Also, who makes a good 25.0 post? If anyone has one that is available
> me direct.......thanks.
> Skip Sinatra,
> Frog Level, Virginia
> ps........my quest for a vintage Holdsworth has achieved some level of
> success. I have acquired another listmember's NOS Holdsworth Pro
> Now i just need to outfit it.