Re: [CR]Because I have records of these things.

(Example: Events)

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From: "Duane Kennard" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Because I have records of these things.
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 13:13:01 -0800
To: Joe Starck <>
cc: Classic Rendezvous <>

We'd all like to sample that brew...

Duane Kennard Los Angeles, USA

On Nov 28, 2004, at 1:04 PM, Joe Starck wrote:
> Yowza Ricardo,
> Either you practice New Age Syncronicity or you've
> hacked into my hard drive and I therefore need to get
> the GeekSquad over here pronto. I liked your query and
> I'll add it to my slow Masi simmer I've been a brewin'
> here for some time...
> Thanks,
> Joe Starck,
> Madison, Wisconsin
> --- "" <>
> wrote:
>> joe-issimo
>> okay - good to read your posts and see you here
>> again. i have one burning question that once
>> and for all i gots ta ax and get a smidgeon of
>> an answer, if not an essay:
>> why are these masis? i mean this with all the love
>> and respect i can muster. but - and i ask this as
>> both
>> a masi-o-phile as well as a framebuilder - were
>> these masis because they were built while you/others
>> worked for a firm that owned the rights to the name?
>> because you had masi parts and designs and were
>> told to follow the blueprints? were you allowed any
>> slack in deviating from geometrys? could you, as a
>> craftsman, choose one file type rather than another
>> to create the metalwork to suit your personal
>> vision?
>> just so you know - i'm cool with the variations that
>> existed and the different forks in road that the
>> name
>> and frames took through the years. i have a personal
>> connection to frames made earlier, and italian ones
>> at
>> that, due to emotional reasons. i have no doubt that
>> your frames had quality that could rival anyone's
>> from that period...i just wrestle with the masi-ness
>> of it all when it was so many years and generations
>> removed from the vigorelli as well as from the
>> original
>> calmasi work force and mission statement.
>> my interest is academic. i hope you'll reply and
>> also
>> tweak your answers any way you see fit so as to
>> expalin
>> the mindset of folks (you. others, as well...) that
>> "made" masis in the middle-late 80s.
>> chester, ct
>> -- Joe Starck <> wrote:
>> Here's some unsolicited clarification for five Masi
>> owners listed on CR's Masi Timeline:
>> John Jorgensen's M55-7020, estimated to be made in
>> 1986 was made by me in 1987.
>> Kevin Kruger's M58-4025 estimated to be made in 1983
>> by Dave Tesch was made in 1984 by Rob Roberson.
>> Jolie Ramage's M57-4191 estimated to be made by Dave
>> Tesch was made by me in 1984.
>> Pat Moffat's SMC62-C835 estimated to be made in 1988
>> surely was made in 1983, eh?! I was in my prime at
>> Masi by 1988, and never stamped any letter other
>> than
>> an "M" in a bottom bracket in 1988 or in any bottom
>> bracket in the thousand or so frames I made between
>> January of 1984 and June of 1990.
>> Jack Gabus's M56-S4216 GC estimated to be made in
>> Carlsbad in 1994 is a mystery to me. Carlsbad in
>> 1994?
>> Maybe the "S" denotes "serial number. Less the "S"
>> it
>> would have been made by me in 1984. By 1994 I was
>> making frames for Bill Holland, and I don't even
>> think
>> any GCs were made in the U.S. during that year.
>> Maybe
>> it's a '94 Mondonico or Billato made frame. I wonder
>> if Jack has pics of it. Maybe I slipped an "S" on it
>> to get a rise out of the guy signing my paychecks.
>> Joe Starck,
>> Madison,
>> Wisconsin
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