My trusty old Bertin was a bit small, so the handlebar was always lower than the saddle. It looked real racy, but at my age was no good for the neck, back and shoulders.
So, after my son's Peugeot UO-8 died, he inherited a Bertin Commuter bike with upright bars. Been riding an Italian Mystery racing bike since then. Its very sweet but completely lacks the lazy feel of the Bertin.
So when I found another Bertin, in my size, I grabbed it.
The decals say: Vitus GTI Cr-Mo Special Triple Butted Its got: fastback seat stays short sloping rear dropouts the length of vertical dropouts but with adj. bolts hidden/thru-tube brake cable Cinelli-type fork crown Black fading to red color scheme combination Shimano 105 and 600 components
I cannot find any serial number.
Anybody have information about this bike?
Amir Avitzur
R"G, Israel