Raleigh Royale mixte frame in 531, late 70s early 80s.
Mitch Harris Little Rock Canyon, Utah
On 7/11/07, larry chang <aam4w@yahoo.com> wrote:
> For the list's consideration...
> 1. Did Raleigh ever make a Gran Sport in mixte frame, or offer any mixte
> with 531 tubing? Thanks to Sheldon Brown's Retro Raleigh website I went
> through virtually every scanned catalog, and never found any such GS option.
> 2. Who made Lambert/Viscount's clone of the TA cyclotouriste? Did TA make
> this originally for Lambert? In particular, I recently obtained the Viscount
> crankset with the 6 circular cutouts in the outer chainring. The arms
> themselves are virtually identical to TA's with some exceptions, most
> noticeably, the arms can be pulled off with a regular 22 mm tool--now that
> in my book is a bonus! Is it possible that Sugino made this since Viscount
> was owned by Yamaha, thus leading to the Sugino PX?
> Ok, that's more than two.
> Thanks!
> Larry Chang
> Oakland, CA USA
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