I have been trying to set up Suntour cantilever brakes with Suntour Superbe levers on an early eighties Holdsworth. No matter what i change or adjust, I come out with an unsatisfactory or unacceptable result. The brake levers squish into the handlebars and do not snap back into place; they only sluggishly return to the front most position. I have changed ferrules, cable housing, increased tension on the sping mounting without getting the brakes to operate as one needs. As a last resort, I have thought perhaps the levers are inappropriate for the cantilevers, like they have too much pull or something like that. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I might be missing in setting this up? Or why I continue to get the squish instead of the snap?
Thank you.
Tom Hayes (looking for no rain at T-town next Satruday)
Chagrin Falls, Ohio USA