Coronado ferry fare is $3.50. Bring ones, five, quarters to feed the ticket machine (or a credit card).PeterDate: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 14:15:36 -0700 From: donald gillies <gillies(AT)> Subject: [CR] San Diego Vintage Ride, Sunday March 22, 2009, 9:30 AM !
Proposed Route:
Meet: Balboa Park, Aerospace / Museums Parking Lot. When: 9:00 AM -- greet and check out all the bikes Ride: 9:30 AM -- NOTE EARLY DEPARTURE Destination: Imperial Beach, then up the peninsula to Coronado NOTE : Bring Money For Lunch(~$8) AND Ferry Ride Return($3).
We will have lunch on Coronado near the ferry terminal and then take the ferry (with our bikes) back to downtown. This event takes about 3.5 hours so the expected return-time is 1:00 PM in Balboa park.
- Don Gillies & Peter Brueggeman San Diego, CA, USA
.........Peter Brueggeman La Jolla California USA 4peebee(at)