Re: [CR] Odd mix..Campy track hubs, BMX rims

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 10:29:33 -0400
From: Marcus Coles <>
References: <SNT124-DS994B218136AB7F0C442BECBA10@phx.gbl> <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Odd mix..Campy track hubs, BMX rims

On 22/07/10 09:07 AM, Marcus Coles wrote:
> The cream of old school Euro style BMX.
> IIRC Campagnolo like Sugino made/marketed silver and color anodized
> BMX cranks, I have seen blue and gold anodized.
> I think in both cases the items were basically repurposed track and
> road components. It is not too much of a stretch to imagine that hubs
> were included in builds.
> Marcus

My apologies for not signing off correctly. Should have read:

Marcus Coles
London, Ontario, Canada.