[CR] paint colors for old frames (was re: Argos)

(Example: Bike Shops)

From: "Charles Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 08:11:34 -0700
Subject: [CR] paint colors for old frames (was re: Argos)

This thread about Argos, for some reason, reminded me of a conversation I had some years ago at a Cirque, with Alexander von Tutschek..it was quite enlightening. We were discussing issues with repainting frames, while on a ride, and Alexander opined as how in his experience, old frames look much better in dark colors when they're repainted. That the plausible authenticity of any repaint is enhanced somehow by using dark colors rather than lighter ones.

This would be especially true if, for instance, you were repainting a UK bike in that lovely soft black that you see on, say, the occasional Mercian or Bob Jackson. If this particular paint color/style is done right, it'd be genuinely difficult to tell if the finish was original or a repaint--although not impossible, of course.

The general idea is valid for most any style of frame, from any source.

I've since followed Alexander's advice on three or four frames, with excellent results. The frames give off a plausible authenticity that they probably would not if they were painted in a lighter color. Oddly, even when it's fairly obvious that the paint is new, the darker color, somehow, projects a more authentic look. I expect this is what Alexander was referring to. I think it's also the case that darker colors are less revealing of the differences between original paint and new paint...

At any rate, worth considering the next time you're repainting something, if authenticity is a criterion for satisfaction.

Charles Andrews Los Angeles

"Somebody has to be tireless... or the fast buck operators would asphalt the entire coast, fill every bay and slay every living thing incapable of carrying a wallet."

--John D. MacDonald