Re: [BOB] Re: [Classicrendezvous] FS: 58 cm Austro-Daimler Inter 10

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: "KCTOMMY" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [BOB] Re: [Classicrendezvous] FS: 58 cm Austro-Daimler Inter 10
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 22:20:11 -0500

Subject: Re: [BOB] Re: [Classicrendezvous] FS: 58 cm Austro-Daimler Inter 10

>At 10:30 AM 9/29/00 -0600, PeterGrenader wrote:
>>how much does it weigh (in bananas)?
>Did I miss something? Bananas?
>Todd Kuzma
>* Tullio's Big Dog Cyclery *
>* LaSalle, IL 815-223-1776 *
>* *
>* Raleigh-Specialized-Schwinn *
>* Bianchi-Waterford-Heron *
>* GT/Dyno-Burley-Co-Motion *

It's our newest vintage retro innovation: instead of the anachronistic US measurement system, or the unpopular, Euro centric metric system, we now announce the CR List Banana System!**! All measurements will be expressed in Bananas.

Your typical Reynolds 531 frame will weigh 9 bananas, while the latest wonder gee whiz super lightweight frame, as seen at Interbike and pictured on the Cycles De Oro web site weighs a mere 4.5 bananas.

Distance will be in bananas (One banana equals 10 inches or 25.4 centimeters, as determined by the super scientific method of running up to the kitchen and measuring an banana, Chiquita, slightly green.) Thus instead of a metric century, you will ride a 400 kilo-banana-ey.

Even better, because they have caloric value, Bananas will also permit a standard measurement of energy. For example, instead of saying "that hill into Petoskey is a #@$%*&&!!!", you can be exact and say "That's a 2 and a half banana-er." Volume (I estimate the typical water bottle holds 2.5 bananas), speed (80 kilobananas per hour is my recommended training pace, give or take a slice), the possibilities are endless! You can carry your snack and measuring device at the same time!

We will unite the world into a single, comprehensive system that will use one single measurement for all quantification! World peace and prosperity will result. Bike lanes will appear everywhere! All winds will be following! Up with the Banana! Go and make disciples in all nations!

Tom Adams ( punchy, and still having to switch the banana bag to the Peugeot for tomorrow) in Kansas City.