[Classicrendezvous] British Bike info

(Example: Production Builders)

From: "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@ptdprolog.net>
To: "Classic List" <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 21:32:30 -0400
Subject: [Classicrendezvous] British Bike info

I've just noticed that there is a Roberts on ebay, #479581141. It doesn't look like a 22" to me, though. I've also got a lead on a J. Conningham(sp), with interesting lugs and details. Is there someone out there, or another site besides the Rendezvous that has more information on classic British bikes? (no, I haven't forgotten the Flying Scot site either!)

Roy "on the road again" Drinkwater
Near Scranton, PA tonight