At 08:49 PM 10/4/2000 -0400, wrote:
>I still have my old Stella from when I was a teen, I believe it was purchased
>in 1971 or 72. What do you recommend as far as making sure it's okay to ride
>once more? Thanks...Marian
I'd be low-key, and try the following sequence:
1) bit of pentrating lube on brake pivots, freewheel, chain. If you like
the bike, all the bearings should be repacked, but that can wait, safely I
think, until you decide that you really want this.
2) spin the wheels, to be sure they aren't too out of round.
3) pump tires up.
4) lift the bike about a foot, and drop it onto tires. chase down any
peculiar rattling noises, to make sure a brake, lever, water bottle holder,
or whatever isn't loose.
5) check brakes by pulling levers hard, to make sure they take
effect. check that pads hit rim square and don't rub tires.
6) put on stand to check that gears are more-or-less adjusted -- don't
come off the cogs.
7) put on helmet and ride a bit. just for fun.
harvey sachs
mclean va