At 12:06 PM -0400 10/14/00, Steve Freides wrote:
>A colleague riding a newly built-up fixed gear wants to know:
>> I have a set of Exage "Action"aero levers off a road bike with sidepull
>> brakes, but I'm unsure if they will work with the Weinmann
>>centerpull brakes...
>What's the expert verdict?
They'll work great! Better than the original Weinmanns. My wife had one of these on her Bottecchia for many years, with a Universal centerpull. It got mashed up in a crash, or she'd still be using it. Now she's using an Ultegra, which is prettier but doesn't work any better. The Exage has the further virtue of including a QR.
Sheldon "Aero Levers Really Are Better, And Shimanos Are The Best" Brown
Newtonville, Massachusetts
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