I think, as someone mentioned a few days ago, that the deterioration of Colnago quality coincided with subcontracting of frame production to a large number of outside shops to keep up with demand during the bike boom, though, like Dale, I never heard that they ever contracted outside Italy. The large number of builders would explain the variations in quality, as some of the subcontractors might actually have done better work than Colnago's own shop, while others were pretty shakey. I'm not sure if the "Mexico" model was named for the site of Merckx's hour record, or for the Olympics that also took place in Mexico City in the 60's or 70's (anyone remember what year?). Although the "Mexico" often had a lot of "trick" components, I never understood exactly how the Mexico frame differed from the Super. Anyone know?
Jerry Moos
Jill DiMauro wrote:
> Absolutely correct, Dale! I meant to say that there were some called the
> "Mexico" that were of questionable quality. I guess some of the "Supers"
> were also poorly made. I wonder why they varied so much?
> Jill