OK, call me smart....I just sent a short note asking if Condors were from Switzerland to Alex Clarke, American ex-patriot living in Switzerland, pa-pa of the Vintage Velo's site and maker of the fine wool jersey's we all covet and his reply was:
"yep, day is"
So, there must be two of them.
Apologies graciously accepted.
Peter "I'm working on the t-shirt design, I swear" Grenader Santa Monica, Ca.
OK, call me smart....I just sent a short note asking if Condors were from Switzerland to Alex Clarke, American ex-patriot living in Switzerland, pa-pa of the Vintage Velo's site and maker of the fine wool jersey's we all covet and his reply was:
"yep, day is"
So, there must be two of them.
Apologies graciously accepted.
Peter "I'm working on the t-shirt design, I swear" Grenader Santa Monica, Ca.
Chuck Schmidt wrote:
> OKay, Peter, yur stooopid!!!
> Condors are indeed made in England.
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, California
> PeterGrenader wrote:
> >
> > call me stupid....aren't Condors from Switzerland?