In a message dated 10/18/00 10:38:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<< these tubesets use differential butting, which means it may have been butted in the vertical plane of the tube but not so on the horizontal plain. >>
I built a genius tubed frame a couple of years ago ( and whilst conjuring it up, I determined to plot out the differential butting within these expensive cylinders od steel.
Using the highly scientific method of "Tube Tinging" (non scientific types might crudely call this tapping it with a pencil held between one's fingers like a baton..) I took a high precision "Mr. Sharpie" pen and proceeded to make a dot or dash on the tube surface where there was a tonal change (from aforesaid Tinging process..) The idea was to "connect the dots" and see in very literal terms the shape of this complex and magical butting..
Well, the result was pretty funny. If a computer was on the job determining these butt shapes, it was surely using AlGore fuzzy math, as the butts were there but very asymmetrical and irregular. Hard to figure what Columbus "Genius Engineers" had in mind and further, how the builder was supposed to arrange the tubes relative to horizontal and vertical planes.. Of course, I used highly refined scientific means to determine the perfect, most pedal-thrust-efficient placement of the tubes.
Unfortunately, just HOW I did that must remain proprietary information.........
Dale Brown, BA, MFA, MEPTFB
(Master Extreme-Part-Time Frame Builder)