Holy smokes, folks! I put some things on the list, go for a little bike ride and come home to find my cyber phone ringing off the hook. Everything is sold except the Sturmey hub. In order of recept of email, Stronglight Crank and Mafac caliper to Mark Koepke, 3ttt bar and stem to Giani Bongiorno, Toe straps to Dale. Paulie Davis, and Takao Noda interested in bottles, and Takao, Dale, Lee Berg and Jules in fenders. I have all the items except the fenders in my posession. The fenders are still in the basement of the bike shop and the shop is 70 miles away, so I don't want to make any firm deals on them. I'll contact the above individuals privately with my info, but I forgot to mention that there is also a big box of NOS steel toe clips in the basement of the shop - maybe a few hundred. I didn't check to see if they were Christophe, or to see sizes, but I'll do that when I go back. Anyone interested in them? Maybe Dale could take posession of them and dole them out for the next 30 years? No one wants the hub?