Re: [Classicrendezvous] Re: [chrome Paramounts)- Rene Herse's

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 11:22:50 EDT
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Re: [chrome Paramounts)- Rene Herse's


I should have known as I sat on row 4 for 8 years in bike school before I graduated. Not even careful memorizing (really I did in Chemistry) of the periodic table could have saved me because of senility and brain warp style thinking. How a bout that Silver and Copper Cocktail though-- that must be bronze alloy - which is used to join tubing before high quality chroming is allowed to exist in the bicycle Universe.

Gilbert"Humble in defeat when confronted with good facts or sound opinions"Anderson

In a message dated 10/25/00 1:18:28 PM, writes:

<< Correction, Gilbert, as all we Chemical Engineers (and Chemists) know, nickel is indeed an element, the tenth entry on row 4 of the traditional Periodic Table of the Elements, following cobalt and preceding copper. Atomic number 28, atomic weight 58.7.


Jerry Moos wrote:
> See Below Phil,
> As I recall (and I may be mistaken so feel free to correct) Nickel is not an
> element at all but an alloy composed of copper and silver and is much harder
> than the original elements. Nickel plating was once common on bearing
> surfaces even on 1 pc cranks from the pre war era and wears very well.
> This aside, the chroming procedure outlined below seems conscientious and
> well thought our by experienced people. My information came from Keith
> Kingbay (Great Guy and Tight with the LAW too) who was a big deal at one time
> with Schwinn. They did extensive tests for long term durability on lots of
> chroming techniques. They may not have tried the ones outlined below but
> could have perhaps rejected it as too costly. Who knows, I tried to call
> Keith but sadly he is dead and cannot be reached at this time for comment.
> Your chromer sounds good.
> Yours in Cycling,
> Gilbert Anderson
> Bicycle Outfitter
> 519 W. North St.
> Raleigh, NC 27603
> voice:919/828-8999
> toll free: 800/321-5511
> email:
> In a message dated 10/21/00 2:51:04 PM, writes:
> <<
> In a message dated 10/21/0 6:33:49 AM, writes:
> >He told me most chromers use a
> >copper base to bold to the steel followed by the chromium plating and then
> >
> >polish. Copper adheres to steel while chrome will not. Chrome adheres
> >to
> >copper well so you have a durable surface....but the best solution is
> >nickel
> >over steel ( nickel is a copper an silver alloy) followed by the chrome
> >
> >plating.
> Not quite. First, nickel is an element all on its own, not an alloy. The best
> plating job is known as a triple plate-copper, then nickel, then chrome. Few
> platers do it that way today because of labor-the part must be polished
> between each coat. If you want this type of plating look around,there may be
> someone in your area who does it. Bike frames fail after plating because the
> acids used are not flushed out properly. I either seal the tube (forks and
> seat stays after treating with Framesaver) or make sure there are holes at
> each end of the tube so water can flow through it. Expensive to plate a
> frame-my guy charges $750 and it's worth every cent.
> Phil Brown >> >>