Re: [Classicrendezvous] Boardman's new/old hour record bike

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From: "John Quigley" <>
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Boardman's new/old hour record bike
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 15:06:38 CST

Why was the Superman body position banned? Shouldn't riders have a choice as to their position? I can understand regulating the equipment, but not the position.

>From: Jerry Moos <>
>To: PeterGrenader <>
>CC: Richard Rose <>, Monkeyman <>,
> Chris Beyer <>,
>Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Boardman's new/old hour record bike
>Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 15:20:07 -0500
>It's probably because I'm a stodgy old retrogrouch, but despite his
>other faults, particularly his handling of doping problems, I support what
>Verbruggen is doing in standardizing bike design and refocusing competition
>on the
>athlete. I think maybe UCI is wiser in this regard than the federations
>for skiing
>ans skating. As to toboggan, motorcycle racing and car racing, those are
>athletic sports in the same sense as cycling and skating, and the equipment
>motorsport has always been half or more of the point. Don't forget that
>the FIA is
>constantly changing the formula for Formula 1 to try to slow down the cars
>and make
>them less expensive - it's just that the designers alway seem more
>ingenious than
>the FIA. And sometimes restrictive regulations in cycling can lead to
>as well. If the established stories are to be believed (though Hilary has
>expressed some skepticism about them, I believe) the pre-WWII ban on
>names on racing bikes led to many of the marvelous British unconventional
>designs, and with greater certainty the longtime British ban on massed
>start racing
>led to the incredible strength of time trialing in UK, to which Boardman is
>Jerry Moos
>PeterGrenader wrote:
> > Because i think the recent decision by the UCI on redefining what a
>bicycle is
> > defeatured the hour record considerably, not to mention a very negative
> > it had on the development of the sport which, (until the the UCI tugged
>on the
> > way-back machine) was like every other speed sport in the world -
> > driven. Yes, the athletes that did the impossible and beat the hour
> > with the aid of modern technology are not being forgotten, they are
> > footnoted and I am not sure which is worse.
> >
> > I am a fan of vintage bikes. Don't get me wrong and yes, they don't make
> > like that any longer and you know what - unless you are trying to break
> > hour record they are never going to make them like that any longer I see
> > use on the world regulating committee trying to convince themselves and
> > world otherwise.
> >
> > Look at (most if not all) of the other speed sports - car racing,
> > skiing, tobogganing, even skating....are you telling me they have not
> > into every possible avenue available in aerodynamic law to improve their
> > performance and by doing so, they removed themselves from the spirit of
> > sport in which they trying to excel??
> >
> > I'm sure my opinions here are going to start a wave and I'm sorry if any
>of you
> > don't agree. They are, after all, my opinions. don't hate me.
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > Peter Grenader
> >
> > Richard Rose wrote:
> >
> > > Why is it a shame?
> > > Richard Rose (Toledo, Ohio)
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: PeterGrenader <>
> > > To: Monkeyman <>
> > > Cc: Chris Beyer <>;
> > > <>
> > > Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 10:37 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Boardman's new/old hour record bike
> > >
> > > > If it helps, there is a picture of the bike Boardman used on the
> > > site.
> > > > Lookes pretty boilerplate. It really is a shame that this has
>happened to
> > > the
> > > > hour record.
> >
> > _______________________________________________

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