Re: [Classicrendezvous] CR List etiquette

(Example: Framebuilders:Tony Beek)

From: "Jill DiMauro" <>
To: <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] CR List etiquette
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 09:54:21 -0500

Hi Dale,

I think your suggestion to address these kinds of concerns privately through you first, is perfect! Thank you for being willing to do this!

Jill DiMauro

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 9:47 AM
Subject: [Classicrendezvous] CR List etiquette

> In a message dated 11/3/00 8:47:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << I don't thing that ........... references such as the one below are
> welcomed
> here. I think Jerry owes a deep apology .......... >>
> Excerpts from my response to Ken:
> "Ken:
> I agree with you on this one, but please address those letters to me and let
> me deal with these sorts of things.........
> .........................Sing along with me, 'Peace in the Valley........'
> Dale"
> Does it seem like there has been a "List Etiquette" note every day recently?
> Ken admonished Jerry Moos this morning for a perceived lack of care in choice
> of phrases and an inferred slight toward others... I know Jerry well, and
> know that he is not an ill-thinker, so I assume it was a mis-step rather than
> a slur...
> In any case, I ask you all to allow me to act in these instances as referee
> rather than you immediately zinging other members, no matter how indignant
> you might feel at the moment. I truly believe, for the health of the CR List,
> that members airing immediate responses in an emotional state will again
> threaten this forum.
> So, if you think someone is out of line or jerky or obnoxious (not any of us
> to be sure!) PLEASE write to me and let ME police the issue! I know this goes
> against our valued tradition of rugged individualism and
> standing-up-for-oneself, but I am trying to maintain a disparate group of
> rugged individualists and I think that's the only way it's gonna work!
> Thanks
> Dale Brown
> Put-upon-but-determined List Manager!