Re: [Classicrendezvous] Lights, reflectors, and crankarms

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 10:09:25 -0600
From: "Steve Kurt" <>
To: Jerry & Liz Moos <>
CC: Classic Rendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Lights, reflectors, and crankarms
References: <>

Jerry Moos wrote:
> With the days growing shorter, I'm increasingly using lights on my daily
> commute. On the recommendation of a list member, I bought a
> rechargeable Specialized Vegas headlight, which is working out well so
> far. For the rear, I have a Vistalight flasher clipped on the back of
> my backpack. From comments here, I think it would be advisable to mount
> a tail light on the bike as well. Problem is, most models mount on the
> seatpost, which is a problem, since I normally have a tire bag mounted
> under the saddle and around the post. I would really would prefer to
> mount a tail light on the seat stay.

The Vista Eclipse taillight can be mounted on the seat stay (as I've done on my '74 Raleigh). Incredibly bright when in "steady" mode, and very bright in basic flasher mode. There's also a sequencer sort of mode, which saves more power. Very effective. It uses 2 AAA batteries.
> I also have a question about CPSC reflectors. None of my bikes have
> reflectors as most never had them and I usually remove any I find on a
> bike I buy. Sheldon's site has an excellent article as to why these are
> not an adequate substitute for lights. Does anyone here use the CPSC
> reflectors in combination with lights?

I don't have a CPSC reflector on the bike, but have plenty of DOT type red reflective material visible from the rear, DOT white mat'l on the sides, reflective ankle bands, and one of those "reflective triangle on a belt" made by Nathan.

The commute logistics list or bikecurrent list are good sources for this sort of info.

happy commuting!

Steve Kurt Peoria, IL (plenty of quiet rural roads for night rides)