Re: [Classicrendezvous] Restoring Anodization; Was:polishing NR/SR parts

(Example: Framebuilders)

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 18:34:03 +0000
From: Mark Stevens <>
Organization: Camberwell College of Arts
To: swampmtn <>
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Restoring Anodization; Was:polishing NR/SR parts
References: <> <> <> <01fe01c04fc2$e27768a0$d734fea9@mokry>

Aldo, there are no noticeable effects on engraving to the naked eye. I always skirt round the Campag emblem when polishing as this has the potentialto do more harm than the blasting. Re seat posts- I guess the benefits of anodizing -hardening the surface- might not be beneficial on a seatpost when it is required of the lug to tighten on and grip the post. Re the surface finish- you could try a new sheet of fine grit sandpaper or steel wool. Wrap it half round the post and rotate the post without moving it up and down. Or if the slot in your seat lug is generous you could ask your local machinist to take a scrinch off the post. I am sure most seat lugs could cope with 0.1 mm less.. Opinions? Mark Stevens in dark leaf strewn foggy London.

swampmtn wrote:
> Re: bead blasting...
> What does it do on and around engraving? Are there any side-effects to
> watch for? I have a set of NR brake calipers with anodizing worn away in
> places, and I'd love to polish them out.
> I've always wondered why Campagnolo didn't anodize seat posts... I've known
> people who's sweat actually pitted the post beyond useable condition! Would
> anodized posts pose a seizing of slipping problem within the frame?
> How do you replicate that lathe-turned finish on a scratched post without
> turning a 27.2 into a 27.1?
> Mark, I imagine The Thames at flood stage is a site to behold... but only
> from atop of something tall and very sturdy!
> Aldo Ross
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mark Stevens <>
> > Hi All, I have access to a bead blaster here at college. It will strip
> anodizing
> > at 120 psi to allow a high polish to be put on the aluminium . Then turn
> the
> > pressure down to about 40 psi and with fresh beads you can replicate the
> dull
> > sheen of anodizing. I have had great success on derailleurs and cranks.
> >
> > Mark 'in flooded London 'Stevens