Re: [Classicrendezvous] Another high for collectible parts?

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Falck)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 16:29:56 EST
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Another high for collectible parts?

Hi, Jerry and all,

I personally do not know why Japanese collector pays such huge prices for French parts. I like British, and small island off shore from main continet as U.K. they have so many things in common except success of British Empire in 19th century but failure of Empire of Japan in 1900's to 40's. ( Who stop it? Yes, the USA!)

Anyway, Mr. Takao Noda was in Italy about 20 years ago and do have some family connection to them. This means, two Japanese members who are quite capable to use American/English has little or no interest in French parts.

I must point out one thing that language structure in Japan is quite unique, far differ from rest of 3rd world. They have developped internal trnaslation ability in great deal and English language is a subject for study itself rarther than tool to sutdy other subjects. For all professionals, engineers, medical doctors, and college professores, in general thier English language ability is relative low for thier professional knowledge. As what is happing in the US, we are (or our education in languages), one of most poor foreign language user today, yes we are sitting on a great island, the American continet!, don't we??

One more thing, in Japan, there is not enough physical space there. The 140 million people in the are of California, Oregon, plus Washington states (or less), but 90% is mountasins. They earn such great deal on rewards for thier hard work, but nothing to do much in limited space, avarage of 5 to 6000 people in SQ miles( ? ). Imagine over 20 million people doing somethings in Tokyo plus several major cities size less than Wasington DC! You will find a few CRAZY French vintage collectors, I am sure.

I think BC in Netherland has special pricing structures, which I appreciate. I get what I call "American Prices", not Japanese Pricing. What I have is all American works, I can not afford to pay Japanese prices. Also, Mr. Noda is quite international, he get things from Mike Kone, Dale, and all over the US market, because of his English ability. Some day, many more Japanese collectors will open their eyes to world of normal market pricing for those vintage European parts.

How about vintage Japanese parts? How many more years to wait, 10, 20, or 25 years?? Any thoughts, Jery or anyone??

KEN TODA, over the hill Jap rider in Piedmont, NC, 26 yeras in the USA, 22 yeras in Japan.