Re: [Classicrendezvous] Boardman's new/old hour record bike

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 20:50:49 -0800
From: "Joseph Bender-Zanoni" <>
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Boardman's new/old hour record bike
In-Reply-To: <>

As far as marketing goes, the testimony to the rigidity of .4mm steel tubes on Look's site is a riot. Steel is steel. For a given diameter and tube thickness the rigidity is determined. Rigidity, other than minor construction details, is strictly a function of the modulus of elasticity E, which varies very little for different steel alloys.

Joe Bender-Zanoni Ann Arbor Michigan

At 07:02 PM 11/1/00 EST, wrote:
>.........................a couple of months ago when it was mooted in the cycling mags.
>that Chris Boardman was going for a "retro style" hour record there was a
>photo in 'Cycling Weekly' of Chris training for the attempt on a Cougar
>track iron (Cougar being a reputable local frame builder to Chris's home in
>the Wirral) this was an identical machine to the one he used for the attempt
>even right down to the frame could be that it was simply
>re-badged 'LOOK' for this once only attempt mainly for sponsorship reasons
>as Chris (and I'm sure many of the top riders) has often ridden specialist
>bikes built outside of the sponsors names on the frame so long as the true
>builders details stay off record.............the marketing boys are more
>than happy to see their 'LOOK' logo whizzing round every lap and are probably
>not too bothered as to the type of tubing and construction as long as it
>conforms to regulations and gets maximum airplay within the media,
>I watched his attempt on Eurosport TV and it was very emotional the way his
>wife and the capacity crowd shouted themselves hoarse with encouragement over
>the last twenty minutes when he was flagging with tiredness and falling
>behind schedule ...............what a way to finish your career!
>Griff King-Spooner (London UK)