Re: [Classicrendezvous] SL vs. old Record seatposts was[Other Campy Mysteries]

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:56:09 -0800
From: "Marc Boral" <>
To: Richard M Sachs <>
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] SL vs. old Record seatposts was[Other Campy Mysteries]
References: <>


All the research I have done points to: the NR seatpost being introduced into the market in the late '70s when the 2nd Ed. SR was introduced. When the 2nd Ed. SR seatpost dropped its proprietary F & R brackets and the alloy R & L supports, this hardware became standard on a new model called the NR. At that point the Record was dropped from the lineup and the GS was introduced. To my knowledge the SL was dropped and the 1st Ed. SR took its place. I don't think they were manufactured side by side. There may have been a lot of SL stock left, so maybe that's why the SL continued to be sold during the SR years. Somewhat contradicting my own theory is the first catalog appearance of the SL seatpost in the "Special" catalog which essentially a catalog put together by Campy USA Houston in late '72/begin. of '73. But that catalog contains many errors, and I believe the inclusion of the SL for production along with the SR was abandoned. I think the SL started being manufactured after the #16 catalog was released. I certainly could be wrong here, but over the years I have accumulated a bunch of answers to these questions. The unfortunate thing is that I can't remember what my sources were. I have never seen an example of the "factory" gradiated. It's almost the equivalent of the Holy Grail. It's easier to find Cambio Corsas, 1st Ed. ALL steel Campy seatposts, than seeing a real life example of the gradiated SL. So personally, I think it was never released. Please correct me if I am wrong. By the way, I just did come across some 1st ED. SR seatposts with limit lines. Earlier I was saying that the 2nd Ed. is where the first limit lines appeared. Maybe towards the end of 1st Ed. SR production, they started incorporating the limit lines.................who knows. Man, I'm tired of talking about seatposts :-)

Marc Boral

Richard M Sachs wrote:
> another seatpost question/comment...
> i recall that the first POST-neuvo record seatpost
> was the sl, or superlight model. it 'looked' like
> a nr, BUT had a high polish. by mid-70's this was
> offered concurrently with a 1st gen. super record post which
> had the same high shine, along with long flutes, 2-bolt
> top, and a small bevel area. that sr post morphed into
> a 1-bolt version, first with shorter flutes, a larger bevel,
> and with a shiny top section. eventually, this version would
> appear with a matte top instead. i'm not up on where the
> logos and engraving appeared on any of these.
> does anyone know if the sl, (superlight), post ever appeared,
> ex-vincenza, with the gradiated 10 centimeter marks on the
> front? i'm not asking about the pantographed aftermarket
> style, popular on guerciotti's, ciocc's, etc....
> by thw way, all my limit line-less neuvo records have steel hardware
> atop. all with limit lines have alloy parts. all are new.