Re: [Classicrendezvous] SL vs. old Record seatposts was[Other Campy Mysteries]

(Example: Bike Shops)

Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 21:33:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] SL vs. old Record seatposts was[Other Campy Mysteries]
From: "Richard M Sachs" <>

chuck. so you're saying that the catalog 16 was followed by a catalog 16 supplement?! where does catalog 17a come in? it's got cooler stuff than plain 'ole catalog 17, that bad boy with the spiral job. but logic would dictate that it followed it, not preceeded it. are there any other 'printed pieces' between catalog 16 and the white album, oh, i mean catalog 18? and what about super DUPER record? e-RICHIE

On Tue, 28 Nov 2000 16:00:35 -0800 Chuck Schmidt <> writes:
>Marc Boral wrote:
>> (snip)
>> Somewhat contradicting my own theory is the first catalog appearance
>> the SL seatpost in the "Special" catalog which essentially a catalog
>> together by Campy USA Houston in late '72/begin. of '73. (snip)
>No, the first appearance of the Superleggera seatpost was in the
>#16 Supplement dated November 1971.
>From the Campagnolo Timeline at :
>"1971 -- Catalog #16 Supplement is printed in November for the
>trade shows.
>The Superleggero pedals with black anodized aluminum cages,
>seat post (no flutting,
>thinner wall, aluminum support cradle, drilled pivot, originally with
>engraved graduated scale),
>and plastic Superleggeri pumphead are introduced. The patented
>washer (rondella
>dentata) is introduced for the Record sidepull brakes, along with the
>steel Gran Turismo rear
>derailleur, Velox low-cost derailleur, Elefante control lever, and
>steel three-pin Sport
>cotterless crankset. The allen seatbinder bolt is introduced."
>Incidently (ahem)... this supplement is reproduced in the Catalogo
>Campagnolo book that covers 1953 to 1984 available from Velo-Retro.
>Chuck Schmidt
>South "low 70s, sunny, and clear" Pasadena, California
> (NEW list of reprints and T-shirts)