RE: [CR]AVA death stem mug shots available

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

From: "Charles Andrews" <>
To: "'Larry Osborn'" <>
Cc: "''" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]AVA death stem mug shots available
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 12:03:34 -0800

After all this useful warning about the dreaded AVA stem and bars, can anyone say if PIVO stuff suffered from the same flaws? I was going to replace the AVA stem on my '68 PX-10 with a PIVO stem that looks ok, anyway..

Charles "seems to enjoy looking at french bikes more than actually riding them" Andrews
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Osborn []
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 11:53 AM
> To:
> Subject: [CR]AVA death stem mug shots available
> Greetings campers, and future Franco-phobes
> A fellow groupie requested pictures of the AVA "adventure" stem in
> question. Discovered I had one I could take pictures of,
> still buried deep
> in the dead vintage parts crypt, with a stake driven through
> it's heart
> just in case my occaisional temporary dyslexia caused me to
> confuse it with
> a usable stem.
> Contact me off-group if you would also like photos emailed to
> you. Side,
> top, and rear. ~550 KB total. Order three and the fourth one is free.
> XXX-Rated. All major credit cards accepted. If the response is
> overwhelming, I will ask someone to post the photos
> somewhere. Perhaps it's
> time for Dale to start the "CRs Ten Least Wanted" section of
> the webpage.
> If the item in these photos doesn't match someone else's
> recollections,
> please let me know. We may have more that one problem child
> to keep track of.
> Be careful out there
> Larry "AVA Exorcist" Osborn