(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

From: "Jill DiMauro" <>
To: <>
References: <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 21:19:36 -0500

Dear friends,

I've known Sam (and Paul) for several years. Curtis Anthony is also a good friend of Sam's. Sam is probably not only the USA's best expert on the Sturmey Archer hub (he holds the record for disassembly and reassambly!) but also on track bicycles and history. I've bought several bikes over the years from him. I have art projects that revolve around rod-brake bikes and Sam is my best supplier. He always keeps an eye out for me and never charges much. If you've seen Sam's place, you'd know that his resources are almost entirely bikes. He has put most of his money (and all his time) in collecting and salvaging bikes.

I am going through my stuff now to see what I can bring to CR for sale or auction in Sam's behalf. Most likely I will put up for sale my late mother's antique stereoviewer along with classic bicycle and related stereoviews. I'm looking to borrow a digital camera now.

I think he is deserving of our help and we could all really make a difference. Half the beauty of vintage bikes is with the wonderful people they connect us to. Ultimately - all our prized bikes reflect the people who built and rode (ride) them. Sam embodies this more than anyone.

Jill DiMauro

----- Original Message -----
From: halbike
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 6:36 PM

> An appeal:
> You folks do not know me, but please contact Jill
> DiMauro, should you question
> the legitimacy of this post, most know and trust her.
> I'm very sad to report that, Sam Fitzsimmons is
> battling cancer.
> Being a lifelong classic and track bicycle advocate,
> he isself-employed and without many resources. Sam
> has done so much to preserve, promote and educate
> others about bicycles. His knowledge of the
> SturmeyArcher hub is legendary. Not only has Sam
> helped 100's of people find vintage bikes but he has
> donated countless hours bringing classic bikes
> to community events and gatherings. Sam never asked
> for high prices, making little money for himself.
> Getting folks matched up with bikes was his
> main goal. He has dedicated his personal and financial
> life to bicycles.
> Please consider helping him now. We are a tight,
> passionate group of bicycle affectionados and need to
> be here for each other.
> I suggest sending him $20 to help out, more if you can
> afford it, less if you can't. Some small amount that
> will not mean much to you, but will really help him at
> this most difficult time. If you have some spare parts
> kicking around, auction them on ebay and send the
> proceeds, if you do not have access to a digital
> camera, you can send the parts to me, and I will
> forward all proceeds, including postage paid by the
> buyer. My Handle on ebay is BIKE.
> Should you have further questions contact me and I
> will let you know how you can help or do my best to
> answer your questions.
> Sam Fitzimmons
> POB 3299
> Annapolis MD 21403
> Send parts (with discription)to:
> Paul Genaro
> pob 104
> Walnutport pa 18088
> Thank You,
> Paul Genaro
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