Be interesting to see if the seller can get his price, and without a picture...hah.
Time to start looking for all those gas-pipe 70s bikes that had this derailleur, you think?
Charles Andrews loopy Los Angeles (must be the air out here)
Title of item: Campagnolo Derailleur Vintage Gran Sport Mint
Seller: gaain
Starts: Dec-10-00 18:58:27 PST
Ends: Dec-17-00 18:58:27 PST
Price: Starts at $150.00
To bid on the item, go to:
Item Description: Near mint Campagnolo Gran Sport derailleur. One of the first parallelogram derailleurs in the world and one of the most important for Campagnolo. I purchased this long time ago, but didn't have the chance to install on my bicycle at that time. Recently, I discovered from unpacking some old boxes. I believe it have NEVER BEEN USED, but I will just say it is Near Mint. Cashier check or money order. Add $5.20 for Priority/insurance in USA. Overseas at cost.
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