Charles Taylor wrote:
>Hi All,
>I've taken reciept, along with a large box of stuff, of a smaller box
>containing five strange little sturmey archer shifters. I think they clamp
>on the top tube. They have a face plate that is shaped like a slice of pie
>(mmmmm... pie) which is marked to indicate "Low", "N" and "High", and the
>shifter is a little chrome plated doodad sticking out the top. Anybody know
>what's up with these? Regards, and thanks,
Those are "quadrant" shifters. See:
They were used on most S-A bikes before WW2. I believe the handlebar mounted "trigger" shifter replaced them in the mid-late '30s. I don't think quadrants were produced after the Big Dust Up.
Sheldon "" Brown
Newtonville, Massachusetts
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