These were very common, although I have no experience with them. As I remember, the slot for the axle was semi vertical, with the top a few degrees behind the bottom.
Rick Chasteen
Kansas City
> On ebay is a picture of a Gitane frame, a '72 Super Coursa. What's
> interesting is the rear Huret drop outs. They are a bird cage-ish lattice
> style, and I've never seen the like before. Were these common, or seen on
> other common bikes? How did they work when compared to the ubiquitous
> 1010's? This one is threaded with a stop for Campy style derailers.
> neat. Oh by the way, if your looking for a small 531 french frame for a
> resto, this one looks interesting. No relation to seller.
> Tom Adams, in Cold Kansas City