Re: [CR]Shifter Bolt won't screw in!

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

From: <>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:19:18 -0500
Subject: Re: [CR]Shifter Bolt won't screw in!

Are you sure the hole is >4mm deep? I had the same prob w/ a water bottle boss which I assumed pierced the frame tubing (it did not I finally figured out w/ only mild destruction)

tom witkop rockville, md

On Sun, 17 Dec 2000 01:02:25 +1300 "Jon Bridges" <> writes:
> On the Campy downtube braze-on shifters, the little bolt that screws
> into the braze-on on the right hand side, won't screw in all the
> way. It is about 4mms shy I reckon of where it should be. I've
> tried CRC in the hole, and scratching down the hole with a paper
> clip and safety pin (to try and clear the thread), but I can't seem
> to get it to go any further. Any ideas?
> Jon Bridges, Auckland, NZ. (66F @ 1am)
> _______________________________________________

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