Re: [Classicrendezvous] I'm so ashamed

(Example: Racing:Jean Robic)

Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:01:07 -0600
From: "PeterGrenader" <>
CC: Classic Bike List <>
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] I'm so ashamed
References: <000101c02a10$44c55400$19ff2e3f@oemcomputer>

I hear ya...but i think this was a classic case of 'sheesh happens". For the racers out there, STI/Ergo (handlebar) shifting, indexing and an 11 cog were the best things to come along since Lycra shorts. They should be shot for giving her a whell that didn't work, but my suspicions tell me something happened to her rear triangle that augemented that situation.

KCTOMMY wrote:
> Is anyone else feeling guilty for saying "see I knew it!" about US Woman
> Olympic cyclist Karen Kurreck? She crashed, bent a wheel (nine speed-mega
> dished strikes again!) and then her replacement wheel wouldn't index (no
> friction option on STI levers.) Poor Karen had to drop out on the third lap
> of the Womans road race. Now if she had been riding a 127 mm rear, or had
> friction shifting---. As the old saying goes, in order to finish first, you
> first have to finish. Good luck in the time trial, Karen.
> Tom Adams
> enjoying the Revenge of the Retro Grouches in Kansas City