I'll bite: 43 years old, University Professor of Religion and Classics. 1 cat, 2 daughters, some fish, 330 million gods (Hindu).
5 Classics (Singer, Herse, Mondia purchased new in 1972)) 11 Neo-Classics (Sachs, Rivendell, Mariposa, Bstone) 3 Modern Classics (Merckx, Carrera, Alcyon) 3 Techno Abominations (they are fine too, Colnago, Ibis)
Would like: a tandem (and a pal, either end), another PX10, Motobecane, and Gitane, then an Eisentraut, Baylis, Moon, Bohm, Spectrum... any other Herse or Singer in my size (60cm-ish)---these being impossible to resist as are all bikes made by Richard Sachs.
I made up the categories but they're not too outta line, are they?
Douglas Brooks
Canandaigua, NY