I'd like to thank Chuck and Mark for their responses to my question:
Can somone on the list clarify for me the difference between Cinelli
Models; Super Corsa and Special Corsa?
>Different names for the same thing. "The exact same thing only
>Chuck Schmidt
>South Pasadena, California
Mark Petry responded:
>But remember there was also a Model B cinelli that was a little less fancy,
>with 3 toob Columbus, flat fork crown, and conventional seat cluster.
Thanks to both of you! You have answered a couple of puzzling
questions. First I have a Cinelli, from the 60's with the traditional
Cinelli crown and high-end parts like bivalent hubs, steel stem with
the enameled crest, and Campagnolo steel Record group. It looks exactly
like a Super Corsa but is marked "Special Corsa" not Super.
Secondly there are a couple of old Cinelli's in the area that I have seen that must be model B's, because they have flat crowns and lower quality componants. Both were purchased from Cupertino Bike shop in the 60's and one has a Spence Wolf modified record deraileur with an extended cage to wrap enough chain to accomodate a small inner chain wheel.
Thanks again
Erik Siverson