I too, am guilty of purchasing a complete set of Universal cp brakes, at a time when they were just considered to be "dead stock" at the LBS where I got them, just to have a new set of hoods. That's just one of many deteriorating reasons that I would like to see all brands of hoods reproduced. And make them out of a material that will last, like the A'ME colored ones, only similar in color to the originals. I noticed a large split in one '77 Galli Ti brake lever hood on my KLEIN when I took it out last Saturday morning. What to do next? That's my last pair of Galli hoods !
"Bicycle Mark" Perkins Visalia, CA
On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 16:05:57 -0500 Harvey M Sachs <sachs@erols.com>
> If one were to think about a project to produce "NOS Mark II" lever
> one good candidate might the Universal 61/68 hood.
> They were very common and popular on Italian bikes of the 60s and 70s,
> excellent brakes, but the hoods rotted.
> I have a couple of pretty good hoods in the bank vault (not really)
> could be used for mold-making purposes. But, I'd rather someone show me
> how, and I will do it for someone else to mfg.
> of course, this "bizness plan" has holes in it: how many nuts would buy
> does anyone still care about this, from the perspective of the folks
> used to make the brakes?
> can this be a break-even brake job?
> harvey sachs
> _______________________________________________
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