I have copies from a 1970s British magazine which mentions the Ambrosio becomeing TTT. It's pretty evident when you compare "late" Ambrosio stems with "early" TTT stems... they are identical. Also, I have yet to see TTT mentioned in new bike catelogues before the mid 1960s, or Ambrosio stems mentioned in new bike catelogues after the mid 1960s after about 1965.
I have never seen the 1A-copy Ambrosio... could I be wrong about this whole "Ambrosio-becoming-TTT" thing?
Aldo Ross
> In a message dated 1/31/01 9:20:52 AM PST, swampmtn@siscom.net writes:
> > Ambrosio stems became TTT sometime in the mid 1960s.<
> >
> This is a new one on me. My sister's bike has a Ambrosio stem on her late
> Gios. Looks like a Cinelli 1A copy. Where did you hear that at? Did 3TTT
> still use the Ambrosio name into late 80s? Cheers,
> Dave A.