In most cases from the early 50's to the early 60's, the numbers following the "H" in th eserial number is the year in reverse. For example, and H2504 would be a '52 Hetchins, 4604 would be a '64 Hetchins, and so on. That idea was eventuualy dropped sometime in the early 60's, and the sreaightforward method was employed, i.e. H70314 is a 1970 Frame, nukber 314 of that year. I would guess that your bike is a 1970, judging by this numbering method and the componentry on it. Does it have a Tottenham or Southend-On-Sea headbadge?
beautiful bike, Dan!
ken denny boston
>To: <>
>CC: "CRlist" <>
>Subject: Re: [CR]hetchins serial no.
>Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 14:57:47 -0800
>Thanks for the heads up. I did in fact find the serial number on the
>steerer tube and it is H7063. Does that help with dating it?
>Dan Ulwelling
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>To: <>; <>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 12:08 PM
>Subject: Re: [CR]hetchins serial no.
> > .....................................what about checking the steerer
>for the number!
> > regards
> > Griff King-Spooner (London UK)