Jason, looking at Sheldon's site, it seems that the availability of 700D tires is very poor, and there is virtually no choice of tire width. Even some UK websites selling a selection of 590mm and 584mm tires offer no 700D at all. Given that, I wouldn't spend any money or time building up 700D rims, However, if they are already built up, there may be at least one used pair of 700D tires available free, namely mine. Even if my rims turn out to be 700D, I'll probably replace them with 650B, as the Mafac "RAID" brakes have plenty of range for a 3mm change in rim diameter. BTW, anyone know exactly what the French word "Raid" means in a sports context? I've noted a sort of super-triathlon "Raid Gauloise" event on OLN network, and I think "Raid" also appears in the names of some European Audax events. I presume the Mafac "RAID" has a similar connotation.
Jerry Moos
Jerry Moos
Jason Cloutier wrote:
> I have a set of 700D rims. Wondering if they should
> go into the scrap aluminum pile or if they were worth
> keeping, I tried to find a suitable tire to fit. I
> was able to install 26" x 1 3/8" (ISO 590, standard
> three speed size) tires, which I inflated to 100+ PSI
> and left for a week. No blow-off! Since the
> difference in bead diameter is 3mm, I wonder if going
> the other was is OK?
> this is only my experience and I would never suggest
> or imply that this is a safe solution. The
> combination was only static tested, not ridden.
> Please consider this information of no actual, only
> anecdotal value. (Like my disclaimer?)
> Jason Cloutier
> Pawtucket, RI
> velo59@yahoo.com
> --- Jerry Moos <moos@penn.com> wrote:
> > I just received an early 70's LeJeune tandem I
> > bought on eBay, mostly
> > undamaged despite the worst packing job I've seen in
> > a while. The
> > seller didn't know a lot about it and said the
> > wheels were 24", which,
> > as I suspected, was not accurate. The bike has
> > Japanese rims (Arraya I
> > think) and the tires are marked "700D x 1.40".
> > According to Sheldon's
> > web site, 700D was 587mm and used only on a few GT
> > brand bikes.
> > Sheldon's site says French tandems typically had
> > 650B or 584mm wheels.
> > I can't find a size on the rims, but they are laced
> > to what look like
> > original Campy Tipo hubs and the rims themselves
> > look like 70's style
> > Arrayas, when this brand first appear in the US and
> > Europe. Could the
> > previous owner have gotten away with 700D tires on
> > 650B rims? (If the
> > seller installed these tires, he could easily have
> > put the wrong ones on
> > as he was calling these 24"). Someone have a good
> > method of measuring
> > rim bead diameter that will differentiate between a
> > 584mm and 587mm?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Jerry Moos
> >
> >
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