As far as I know, the "Alfa" may have just been an earlier (or first) attempt at brakes made by Zeus. I don't think they were "lower end" until after the 2000 centerpulls came out. I've got a Zeus Pro from around '72 that has the Alfa brakes. Cheers,
Duane Kennard
> I am under the impression that the Alfa components were made by Zeus perhaps
> as
> their lower line of components. Don't know where I got that idea. I recently
> purchased one of the sets offered on eBay thinking that I'd put them on my
> Zeus
> (currently DA equipped) at some point.
> Charlie Young
> Honeybrook, PA
>> I've added three pictures of Alfa "Super 71" brake calipers at the end of the
> Balilla
> album:
>> Anyone have info about this company? They look very much like the Balilla
> Tipo 61
> (early) calipers. "RRBCycles in Illinois has sold 2 seats on eBay recently.
>> Regards,
>> Aldo Ross