WOW, a "Buy it Now" price of only $450! I thought I had seen everything, but this one takes the cake so far. I have a feeling it will a long time before anyone can top this, (aside from sandiegosand, of course). Dave "thought I heard everything, until this" Anderson
In a message dated 2/20/01 7:59:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> In a message dated 2/1/01 7:08:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > A Lambert fork? Heck, no, but there's a truly vile Lambert frameset
> > with the death fork offered with a "Buy it Now" price of $450! Oh, and
> > $30 disposal, err shipping fee, too.
> >
> >
> >
> > That was the funniest thing I'd seen all day...
> Even funnier, perhaps, this same, er, bike has been re-listed with a
> minimum bid after the above-mentioned auction closed with no bids. Only 1
> day and 12 hours left as I write this, and still no bids this time either
> No bottom-bracket included.
> Glenn Jordan - Durham, NC