It seems to me that the pendulum has swung.
When I got my first vintage lightweight in 1970 when I worked
as a shopboy (likely my only legitimate job since...), it was
a 24" Dawes (chocolate brown, Brooks Pro saddle, nice bike).
I was only 5'8" or so but this bike didn't seem to big.
I grew about another 1.5" over the next two years but eventually
sized down to a 23" (about 57.5) where I am just about comfortable
still so long as the toptube runs more than 56.5.
After more than a decade in India and the like, I returned in
the late late 1980s to
find road bikes sized much smaller and was recommended a 54cm by
the LBS and a 55cm by the roadbike specialist shop. Foolishly, I took
their advice, since I wanted to ride something new and different,
and because I thought wisdom had evolved since my era.
Old wisdom: ride the biggest bike you can comfortably.
New wisdom: ride the smallest.
I much prefer the old wisdom.
But that said, I tend to ride smaller frames if they are Ergo
shifters because those big, big handles let you lean on them more.
Old wisdom still never fails me.
bigger is still better,
Douglas Brooks
Canandaigua, NY