Chuck Schmidt already answered this one... 1952. They appear as braze-on boss/backing plate assembly in Cat.12 (1953), page 19, items 600/1 (rear) and 611/1 (front). Also shown are braze-on hanger 80/1 and braze-on cable stop 621.
For Cat.13 (1955) the braze-on shifter parts were sold as seperate pieces, stud 660, right/rear backing plate 600/2, and left/front backing plate 611/2. They were also available with complete lever assembly as 1013/5 (front) and 1013/6 (rear). These numbers would be used for the next 30 years. Braze-on bb cable guide 663 appeared in Cat.13 as well.
For Cat.14 (1958) it looks like cable stop 621 has chnged from split-top to solid loop.
Braze-on front der cable guid 663/B appears in Cat.17 (1973), page 10.
Hope this helps.
Aldo Ross
Monroe, Ohio
40F and cloudy
great racing weather again
> Let me give it a crack but someone else may be able to do better.
> braze-on bosses were first made sometime around the mid to late 60s,
> I did not see any used until a 1974 Pinarello "Special Treviso".
> Dave--"I need that Nomex suit now, and fast!"--Anderson