Re: [CR]Flying Dutchman?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:26:19 EST
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Flying Dutchman?
To: <>, <>

In a message dated Wed, 21 Mar 2001 10:26:23 AM Eastern Standard Time, Richard Jones-Bamman <> writes:
>> What's the story with these frames? Supposedly 531
>> throughout; pictures look reasonable,

If remember correctly these frames were being imported by Jack Van Gent of The Big Wheel in Denver.

He had a few frames hanging on his walls along with an assortment of other frames. I remember seeing these in his shop(s) in the mid to late 80's. Probably had been hanging around for a few years.

The paint so-so, lugs nice, workmanship ok... 531 and I think Gipiemme dropouts.? I don't know, I was a neo- phyte back then;)

I searched on the net and our esteemed List Manager in 98 posted some comments on this. Something fishy about the Reynolds decals...

I remember speaking to Jack several times as a young & impressionable man and he sure loved to pan any bicyle frame built by any American;)

But, for the right $ it would be a reasonable purchase for a commuter... Or fixed gear roadie!

Mike "Riding out the storm" Wilkinson Parker, CO