Darnit John, why didn't you offer it here first!!!!!!!!! Or did you? I have been patiently watching that thing hoping noone caught on. That sucker is probably more rare than a 543. That is the mate to the Export 61 and was discontinued shortly after that to make way for the Criterium front (plastic). I know of old dealers that have NOS 543's, 61's, TDF's and loads of manual Front shifters, but I have only seen the one that I have.......until now. Tough luck for me. Congratulations on hitting the lottery, John. It should go through the roof now.
Don Andersen Columbia, MD
>Never underestimate someones willingness to spend money. Check out item
>#1127327588 Vintage NOS Simplex Front Derailleur now at $255. Is some one
>nuts? I can't believe it and I am selling the derailleur. There are still
>four days left to the end of the auction and will it go higher.
>Dale, this will help pay for my trip to North Carolina and a visit to your
>store, wife willing.
>John Alden
>North Rim Adventure Sports
>Chico, CA