They are Prugnat Type 62. Schwinn used them around 1968? and into 1969/70. David Feldman
> I am looking at pictures of the headtube lugs from a 1970 P-15 (the
> model) Paramount, and the headtube lugs do not appear to me to be Nervex,
> though the bottom bracket lugs and the seattube lug does appear as nervex.
> The headtube lugs look similar to chromed Prugnat lugs; the lugs do not
> have the sharp points in them like Nervex, have more cut out.
> If they aren't Nervex and it is an unrepaired 1970 Schwinn Paramount, or
> unreplaced (though there probably isn't such a word) headtube lugs and
> headtube, does anyone know what these lugs are?
> Part of the problem is the pictures are not terrible clear too.
> Thanks for the help.
> Cheers.
> Tom Hayes
> Tom Hayes
> 18585 Munn Road
> Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023