Re: [CR]Re: [C-R] Why Japanese like Touring Bikes

(Example: Framebuilders:Tony Beek)

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Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 01:22:02 +0900
From: "kenji fusejima" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: [C-R] Why Japanese like Touring Bikes

Hello, KEN;

Thanks for your interest about my contribution. You compensated the insufficient point of my opinion. Since I cannot write English well, I cannot write that the thing which I want to say well.

And, also Thanks for all CR members who read my awkward sentence.

Please call me Kenji. Kenji Fusejima Tokyo Japan

At 5:29 PM -0400 01.4.11, wrote:
>Hi, Kenji, (excuse me this is American way, it took me over 10years to get
>used to call person by first name, BUT still we shall call you as Mr.
>Fusejima in formal way??). In the USA today, when you are called by last
>name, usually very good occasion(respected by someone in business occasion
>etc.) or so bad (police or other authority wants you!).
>Well, first of all, thank you very much for your postings in our C-R list.
>Your comments regarding Japanese collectors and society/culture give us much
>interesting perspectives/explanations for what is taking place overthere
>Since I left Japan in 1971, (yet I was back 77 to 80), I have been away from
>for 25 years, and I have no idea(or very little) what took place in Japanese
>cycling world during the period. What I remember prior to 1970 was; there
>was no imported
>high quality frame was available, all Japanese parts which we could afford
>was copies
>from European origin, and so poor quality. Campagnolo parts was so great and
>expensive, every roadrace's dream parts. They had to pay 360 yen to each
>dollar (some black market dollar was even over 400 yen). Today, Japanese yen
>worth 3 to 4 times more than then.
>There is no wonder that the Japanese economic power is next USA , (no
>counting PR Chine and Russia), of course, desposable income is one of the
>highest in the world.
>The collectors in the little island will pay top dollars for waht they want.
>This will change US market a bit, and we must be aware what taking place in
>their market.
>At this point, Mr. Fusejima can be our great asset to obtain current
>infomation on
>Japanese collectors ideas. I would like to welcome him and his comments in
>our list,
>and appreciate his extra effort in English(American English) compositions.
>Warmest Regards,
>KEN TODA, over the hill rider became collectors of vingate bike in NC, USA